
Nutritional Value

Nutritional Values for 100
Energy (kj/kcal) 765/184
Fat(g) 12,0
-Saturated Fat (g) 7,3
Carbohydrate (g) 4,9
-Sugers(g) 4,9
Protein(g) 14,0
Salt (g) 1,3
Minerals %BRD**
Calcium(mg) 290
Phosphor (mg) 230

Premium White Cheese With Protein

When we do sports or exercise, cheeses with high protein value are preferred to provide our energy needs from quality nutrients and to increase muscle development and repair. Although these cheese, meet our protein needs, they often do not give the taste of the cheese we love and are used to consuming.

We, as Pınar, brought together the taste of soft and creamy cheese, which you love to consume, with high protein. By adding a new player to the Pınar Protein family, we produced Pınar Protein Cheese Soft and Creamy, which is both delicious and protein-packed!

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