100 grams

Nutritional Value

Labne with Lemon Cheesecake
Nutritional Values for 100 grams
Energy (kcal/kj) 194kcal
Protein 4.5g
Fat 18g
Carbohydrates 3.5g

Organic Labne

Pinar Organic Labneh is produced from 100% fresh & pure organic cow’s milk. Organic milk is collected from a special farm, where all cows are fed and grown according to organic dairy principles.

  • organic feeding-non GMO feed: no chemicals, no agricultural pesticides before and after harvest
  • cows eat more dry grass and are not kept in restricted rooms& tied up.
  • cows are free to walk around outside

Pinar organic labneh does not contain any preservatives or additives.

We’re passionate about the goodness of dairy and the benefits it brings to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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