Our Human Resources Management System

The success of the Yaşar Community, breaking grounds in many fields is based on the consciousness, that the real force is the "human being". The community takes its skills of breaking grounds, which go back to its roots from its spirit of entrepreneurialism and innovation. It protects and develops this spirit with its understanding of quality, its openness to change, respect of the society, the consciousness for efficiency and its dynamic organisation structure. The Human Resources supports the employees as a strategic management partner with policies and applications to provide competitive advantage.

The Organization

In order to ensure the sustainability of the success of the community, the human resources, the system and the procedures of the organisation is continuously reviewed and structured in line with the needs. By making organizational backup plans, the sustainability of the leadership and the protection of the knowledge and experience of the community is provided.

Human Being

Enriching the Group with qualified Human Force: Our main strategy is to employ efficient human resources, who show high motivation and performance to carry the Yaşar Group to the future. It is aimed to enrich the Yaşar Group with competent individuals, who are qualified and who can work in line with our ethic rules.

Performance Management: Among the indispensable priorities of our Group are the provision of the integration of the aims of employees with the targets of the company; the encouragement of the performance-oriented working, the evaluation of the contribution of the employees to the company and the systematic support of their progress.

A Balanced Scorecard system is used to evaluate corporate and individual performance. The aims are determined in 4 areas, which are selected and agreed upon at the beginning of the year by using the Performance Indicators and the performance evaluation process is started. The realisation of the aims is followed up by interim review meetings. Performance evaluation discussions are made at the end of the year and the individuals are informed about the results of their progress, career planning and awarding/waging.

The executive of the Yaşar Group improves itself: The employees are supported with trainings related to their individual development, field of management and expertise. Further, seminars and conferences are organized to enable employees to follow up novelties in different and actual issues and to gain on a global vision.

In parallel to the developments, one of the continuous aims is the planning of high potential candidates, who are nominated for managerial positions. One of the programs carried out centrally is the Manager Training Pool Project (MTPP), of which the purpose is to train young and high potential employees with an 18-months program. The program consists of three sections being the trainings, project works and the mentoring system.

While supporting the improvement of its employees by offering extensive career opportunities in different industries and fields of expertise within the country and abroad, Yaşar Group strengthens its organization too.


The Yaşar Group endeavours to strengthen a culture, which protects its values, which acts in line with the rules of ethics, which aims continuous progress, which keeps innovation on the forefront and which gives importance to corporate social responsibility and takes the necessary measures and implements it. The satisfaction of the employee: Aiming initially the principle of human beings, the Yaşar Group gets the opinion of its employees through the implementation of an annual questionnaire. In line with the results of the survey, it works out action plans with the executives of the company to increase satisfaction and motivation of the employees. The increase of employee satisfactions is one of the performance aims of every executive.

Continuous Improvement Culture at Yaşar Holding: The continuous improvement culture existing since the foundation of the Yaşar Group has been implemented in parallel to different systems such as the follow up of the Common Critical Success Indicators, the Operational Cost Improvement System, the Efficiency Competition and the Lean Six Sigma as well as other applications.

Operational Cost Improvement (OCI): The performance criteria are followed up by including cost improvement projects to the system, which have been proposed by individuals or teams working at any level. Those proposing and implementing successful projects are awarded.

Efficiency Competition: The Yaşar Group has been organizing "Efficiency Competitions" to encourage to works for increasing the efficiency in its companies and to award such since 2005.

Lean Six Sigma: The Food and Beverage Group has started its Lean Six Sigma works with the workshop organized for their top level executives. On the road map, formed with the support of the management, Black Belts and their projects to be assumed have been determined. The Black Belts have been selected inside the organization to give the existing valuable human resource of the company the training of Lean 6 Sigma and to involve this understanding into the company culture. With the Black, Green and Yellow Belts, which the system has raised, the necessary expansion has been provided. The projects are ongoing. Global Compact: In 2008, Yaşar Holding has signed the Global Compact consisting of the main titles such as Human Rights, Working Standards and the Environment and the Fight against Corruption.

Human Rights:
Principle 1: To support and to respect human rights announced for the business world.
Principle 2:The business world shall not be an associate in crime of breaches of human rights.

Working Standards:
Principle 3:
The business world shall have to support the syndication of workers and their freedom of collective negotiation.
Principle 4: Compulsory labouring and involuntary servitude shall be terminated.
Principle 5: Any type of child employment shall be suspended.
Principle 6:Discrimination in recruitment and job placement shall be suspended.

Principle 7: The business world shall have to support precautionary approach to environmental problems.
Principle 8: It shall support any type of activity and formation, which may increase the responsibility for the environment.
Principle 9: The business world shall support the improvement and expansion of environmental-friendly technologies. Fight against corruption:
Principle 10: The business world shall have to fight against any type of corruption including bribe and racketeering.

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