Our Human Resources Management Policiy

The reason behind Pınar's success is the importance it attaches to human resources. Pınar, which continues its leadership in every field it competes by offering quality and taste products worthy of people, has the same philosophy in the evaluation of its in-group human resources: People First.

We can summarize Pınar's human resources goals as follows:

To work with qualified human resources who have Yaşar competencies on a continuous basis,

To spread the initiated competency-based human resources management system (Performance evaluation, potential determination, career planning, organizational backup applications) to all employees,

To make employees feel that they are members of a big family and that they are valuable,

To encourage employees to make criticisms and suggestions for improving the system with various incentives,

To provide opportunities for employees to develop their competencies with continuous education and by creating a learning organization culture in order to achieve perfect performance.

Quality Circles, Self-Managed Teams, Cost Improvement System; are among the basic Human Resources practices that ensure employee participation

All these studies are supported by self-assessment studies using the excellence model, which helps in determining the strong and improvement areas in the quality journey and in implementing the appropriate actions. Intensive training investment is made for employees at Pınar.

The application form you fill out will be added to our application database to be evaluated in open positions in all Yaşar group companies.

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